Many organizations possess lots of information, but they do not even know what they have, where it is or how to find it. Looking for this information at times of need consumes a lot of effort & time and hence loss of productivity. Managing content and information is one of the most critical requirements for today’s organizations. Our ECM solution is primarily aimed at managing the life-cycle of information from initial publication or creation all the way through archival and eventually disposal.
Content plays an important role in the development of an organizations knowledge. That’s why businesses need to be informed of the most efficient technology available which will turn content into useful assets. This can be done by implementing a Content Management System. Enterprise Content Management helps in managing unstructured data by using well-defined processes for converting the scattered information into structured content that can be categorized, searched and used for business.
Our ECM solutions helps businesses to manage corporate information easily through simplified storage, security, version control, and effective retention. Atecsoft’s Enterprise Content Management solutions facilitate multiple functions like:
- Documents management
- Records management
- Digital asset management
- Process management
- Workflow management
- Collaboration
- Search etc.
Enterprise Content Management also eliminates redundancies and inconsistencies in the content. The better access to content improves productivity, and ensures compliance in different areas of business.
CMS Portal Solution
We enable business to connect with the audience through a portal which enhances their strategic capabilities. A portal acts as the gateway to information for employees, customers, partners and suppliers alike. Our portal solutions help IT stake holders by providing a single unified platform thereby lowering integration costs and reducing complexity. It enables users to improve co-ordination and collaboration by offering real time access to unified information.
Our portal solutions integrate multiple applications and accelerate application and content deployment.
We help deploy multi tier portals like Employee Portal, Supplier Portal and Customer Portal by aligning our solutions with IT & business goals. These are deployed over the internet or the intranet with access over the web or mobile.
Our portal solutions enable users to work smarter using faster performing and easier to use tools. Our solutions help organizations:
- Build responsiveness and agility into the organization through IT.
- Meet customer expectations by being proactive
- Provides instant access to data over multiple platforms
- Improve user collaboration and co-ordination
We help our clients create unified portals to ensure validation of content thus providing the organization a single point of access to all information enterprise wide.
Take the Next Step
Atecsoft has expertise in developing bespoke ECM and Portal solutions & deploying major industry-leading technologies and platforms. You will be benefit by our experience in 20+ industry verticals across 25+ countries. Our proven software development methodology ensures sustainable development and a constant pace.
If you are looking to develop an enterprise content management system or portal, please get in touch with our Software Development team at